Certified Facilitator Designation 課程部份參與者的意見
Chung Kwok Hung
對 Facilitation 有更全面的了解,不用死記硬背,誠一樂也。
The program makes me understanding the concept of facilitation and the rationale behind why we do facilitation. It is also a comprehensive course about facilitation. Good!
K.S. Pun
整個課程內容繁多,卻運用互動,課堂實習,簡單,容易,清晰地應用,令大家更快更易理解整個 Content/Context,是一個終生受用的課程。
Au Chin Kau
Dr. Keith To has demonstrated the facilitation skill in conducting the lecture. I learned a lot from the Integral Facilitation Model and enjoyed the class very much.
The course is very helpful and I can apply it in promoting collaboration in the company.
Lee Kai Fat
認證輔引師課程: www.FacilitatorDesignation.com
標籤: 參與者意見, Facilitation
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