Leader 2.0 課程 同學回饋
Leader 2.0 課程 同學回饋
多謝你在領導 2.0 課程中剖釋現今領導新法則,令我知道和理解要做好現代領導人應該有特質和態度。
Daniel So
I really appreciate your efforts in conducting the workshop of "Leader 2.0" in
the four Thursday evenings. I particulary enjoyed the part on "charismatic
leadership" and "the three-mode concept" (Operator / Manager / Leader). As you
said in the workshop, it's easier said than done, I really need to practise the
things learnt deliberately or it will mean nothing to me.
In fact, your presentation in the workshops fully indicated you have great
personal charisma. Thank you very much.
TC Chan
The Leader 2.0 course explained the attributes of Leader 0.0, and how to enhance Charisma, the key attribute, in order to strengthen the Leader 0.0 foundation for Leader 1.0 & 2.0.
Tang Chiu Kit
Mandy Yeung
上一年度報讀了Manager 2.0,已經覺得是明智之舉。今年度再報讀Leader 2.0,絕對是正確選擇。雖然是免費堂,能夠具體地表達Leader的特質,教授令我們也有這種特質的方法。我會好好的練習你教授的方法,希望不會浪費你的心機。我今次不單要感恩你,更要給予你10個Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like。
其望下年度的:Biz 2.0
Jacky Wong
Albert Lo
I went all 4 classes and found they are very useful - and the 3rd one is most useful. We know Charisma is very important but cannot find a way to it. Now we can try to.
TC Chan
The Leader 2.0 course explained the attributes of Leader 0.0, and how to enhance Charisma, the key attribute, in order to strengthen the Leader 0.0 foundation for Leader 1.0 & 2.0.
Tang Chiu Kit
Mandy Yeung
上一年度報讀了Manager 2.0,已經覺得是明智之舉。今年度再報讀Leader 2.0,絕對是正確選擇。雖然是免費堂,能夠具體地表達Leader的特質,教授令我們也有這種特質的方法。我會好好的練習你教授的方法,希望不會浪費你的心機。我今次不單要感恩你,更要給予你10個Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like,Like。
其望下年度的:Biz 2.0
Jacky Wong
Albert Lo
I went all 4 classes and found they are very useful - and the 3rd one is most useful. We know Charisma is very important but cannot find a way to it. Now we can try to.
Vincent Cheng
Thanks for providing the program to the public. I joined manger 2.0 last year
and found it to be very useful and inspiring.
感謝、感恩你每年都舉辦 "免費講座" 給我們不斷學習、再學習!每次上你的 "免費講座"
YY Lee
多謝 Keith 四堂內容充實的免費課程。Leader 2.0
正如你所說,無知,就是不知道自己有問題。再次多謝 Keith 的教練。
正如你所說,無知,就是不知道自己有問題。再次多謝 Keith 的教練。
Molly Yeung
知道Keith To是一個頭腦清晰又靈活的導師,堂上的演繹出神入化,令學員容易理解。而且,他每次都很在意於課程內容與質素;實是香港少見有心於培訓的導師。小弟在他身上也獲益良多。謝謝!
Joe Lee
人生才是每個人值得為之奮鬥的公司,Manager 2.0令我學懂如何經營,Leader 2.0令我學懂如何壯大。期待下年的Business 2.0能帶給大家更多更正更深刻的啟發。
Terry Leung
Thanks a lot for delivering an excellent workshop on Leader 2.0. This is the first time I particulate in the classes of this kind. Your thought of Leader 2.0 reflects the change of leadership in Hong Kong. Moreover, you presented the ideas in a very different style. Being inspired by you in the workshop, I have many questions in my mind. Hopefully, I can answer it before meeting you again.
I am really appreciate and thank you for your effort to design this
wonderful workshop for us which show your commitment on coaching - help myself
and help others as well , especially when I apply what I learnt from your
workshops to the coming trainings to my clients .
My professional aspect is in quality management system, including the
system certification like ISO9001, auditing and the related professional
trainings ; thus, this workshop in Leadership will definitely support me to
conduct the coming training in balance way between people and the system.
Berry Yeung
Leadership 2.0 課程理論與實用十分平衡,可以即學即用:
1. 課程內容十分豐富,有參考資料及領袖人物例子提供研究方向,
2. 用腦環節,製造平台給大家分享睇法及理清觀點,
3. 提供增加魅力的方法及定vision的部份十分實用可以即時開始實行.
Mak Ting Fai
標籤: 參與者意見
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