管理家 2.0 同學回饋
管理家 2.0 同學回饋
Thanks you so much for your sharing on Manager 2.0. You remind me the main points of setting our own vision, mission and value. It helps a lot.
Adele Chan
I am glad that my colleagues (5 out of 6) came all 4 lessons. I hope they understand what needs to be done rather than keep asking for instructions. I am sure they will move from 0.0 to 2.0.
Vincent Cheng
若要說 Management 2.0的 appreciation, 難以用幾句話可以講得完及圓滿。
1, 課程不單是免費,而且是真材實料,有證書不單只,而且Keith竟然向我們道謝,百多人排隊簽證書,我自己只說了一次謝謝,Keith卻說百幾句,實在太佩服,怎能不欣賞。
2, 本身也曾修讀 management,相信也有不少同學,本身對 management有認識,或正在這範圍工作,但可以肯定 Keith對 management的精通,為我們重新打好 management的基礎認識,讓我們重新思考,現今世界知識形經濟中 management是什麼樣,可以肯定課堂中為我們帶來的思考,絕不是 textbook 或一般課程可比的。
Franklin Ng
It was a wonderful experience to attend your lectures on Manager 2.0.
I agreed with what you said in the lectures. These days, we are living in the Knowledge Age which means it takes extra skills and tact to handle human relationships. In the past, we might just use orders or rules to manage our staff. But gradually, these methods don't seem to work. People are getting more "knowledgeable" and they know their rights and are more demanding at the same time which means we need to change in order to stay in the competitive business or non-business world.
Your last lecture (Aug 1st, 2013) coincides with the date the news came out in which the male supervisor stabbed his female subordinates. It was a shocking news to everyone: A male supervisor "executing" the killings in the closed environment: company coach, which makes no escapes for the victims. If we further dig out the motives behind, it was the mismanagement of him and the ridicules and mocking of his staff which made him go completely insane and exercise the act. Again, the female middle-aged subordinates are like the modern-day employees. We need to know how to manage them well or disasters would happen.
Once again, I appreciate your efforts in preparing the lectures for us. You let me know we are living in a world more complicated than the previous generation, and so we need a new set of management skills in order to succeed. I will bear your words and teachings in mind.
Pyotr Lai
很高興上你的講座Manager 2.0,使我能從另一角度來看現今的管理。 謝謝你!!!!!
WK Chan
課程精采、絕無冷場,啟迪心思;穫益良多。 陶博士 --- 好嘢!
KT Chan
謝您在課程中對管理家2.0這管理概念清晰及詳盡的講解,讓我們對現今所身處的世界有更深入的瞭解及認識,從而學懂如何自處於這高速發展的 2.0時代。
Agnes Fung
I have participated your seminar of Manager 2.0. It has inspired me in new management skills and lots of fundamental concepts. Do appericated.
Priscilla Tang
Really enjoyed the class of "Manager 2.0" in the past four Thursday evenings. In fact, I also enjoyed the free business seminar organized by you in the past 8 years. Luckily, I was able to be present and got some insights from the ideas you presented in those seminars which were conducive to my career development.
This year's topic "Manager 2.0" is closely related to my current job duties in recruitment, training and manpower deployment. In recent years, one of my recent headache problems is that many staff put their own agenda ahead of the organization's goal and mission. "Manager 2.0" provide me a lot of food for thought and new direction to resolve the problem. Thank you very much, Keith.
Thanks so much for conducting the workshop (Manager 2.0). This workshop is extremely excellent and I can learn a lot. As there will be workshop for Leader 2.0, I must join. Thanks once again.
KF Chung
課程中學到的能讓我更好地經營於我來說最重要的公司 ─ 我的人生!
Terry Leung
It is worth for whole life if the "values, vision & mission" of oneself can be established as soon as possible.
KK Cheng
Tks. you very much of your free seminar of the Series Business Management of "Manager 2.0" in HKPC 2013. Information of the seminar was updated, useful, excitement, clear explanation of the trend of the existing organization / business world nowadays.
Frankly speaking, we need to spend somtimes to digestion your talk especially the fourth session last night. Meanwhile, you're still full of energy & fully participation during your talk. (敬業樂業!)
Yung Yung Lee
多謝你,高興在八小時的 Manager 2.0 課程中精簡,扼要地剖釋現今管理人 在 2.0 世代中的怎樣使用和轉化行為模式來適當地應用在急速變化管理環境。擊掌。
So Cho Hee
Thank you for your info and coaching on Manager 2.0. It inspires me to review my business and career! It is not only applied to management, it could be applied my life !
Andy Kwok
Thanks for the seminars learning the importance of creating and satisfying customers.
Simon Kwok
Manager 2.0 課程有啟發性,令我思考自己位置,從而改變態度。絕對有幫助,期望明年 Leader 2.0.
Glory Cheung
感謝Dr. Keith To 舉辦的免費課程Manager 2.0,他不會因為這是個免費課程而馬馬虎虎,反之我在這課程上更是獲益良多。
雖然Keith強調自己只是個資料搜集員,但肯定他確實花了不少時間將資料融會貫通,運用精辟的分析力,加獨特的見解,深入淺出地使我們明白現在的管理人對「管理」及實際環境的落差。從而帶出管理的景、任、價。 課堂上更有不少討論,透過他的輔引,使我們體驗思維的過程,鍛鍊自我的思考能力。
整個課程沒有悶/冷場,他著重「知」完之後的「識」,透過運用及加以練習,這些知識才屬於我們。 再次多謝Keith的無私分享!
I would like to give thanks to you about the course "Manager 2.0". Before I took the course, I just believe that I knew management. However, I found that what I learnt in this course was just the beginning of my management career! Thanks!
Albert Lo
Thanks you the free course of Manage 2.0 which make me learn something with the inspiration and hints for found more about Knowledge-based economy. It inspire me to use Vision, Mission, Value (VMV) to manage.
Winson Li
Mak Ting Fai
感謝您的Manager 2.0 workshop。每節課有獲益良多,且甚具啟發性。
課程最後向參加者提出挑戰 - to become Manager 2.0, and to become a personal CEO of your career。
Paul Cheung
好高興有機會上了這個課程(Manager 2.0),使我了解到Management也分幾個世代,什麼 世代的人,用什麼世代的方法管理,對我的工作有很大的幫助。
雖然是一個免費課程, 但資料之豐富,真使人喜出望外,真的非常多謝你!
Jacky Wong
你好,我剛上完管理2.0的免費課程,覺得喺阿sir 你身上所學到的觀點和外面所聽的有很大的不同,而且阿sir你的表達方式及互動的上課模式,令我覺得容易理解及印象更深,難怪有咁多忠誠的學生了!! ^__^
YM Law
多謝四堂的分享,不單讓我從另一角度去理解 Peter Drucker 的理念,更讓我反思為何搞了一次又一次的 Mission, Vision, Value 公司都是白忙。
Adrian Lee
Athena Ho
我是參加 Manager 2.0 的其中一員並完成整個課程,獲益良多!
很同意課程中所說的時代進程 Manager 0.0, 1.0 及 2.0,我是從事物流業的,我亦體驗到物流業尚停留在 1.0 時代,原因是現在進入物流業的後生一輩大部份只有 1.0 思維卻有 2.0 的消費、2.0 的要求,但沒有 2.0 的付出。
Manager 2.0 可帶給我現代的管理資訊,但在一間公司可能需要同時間使用 1.0 及 2.0 的管理, 這可能是物流業工種煩多,有些要多用腦有些只需體力勞動。
我希望能從 Manager 2.0 的資訊當中學習到知識,然後了解運用,得到成果。祝所有課程堂堂爆滿,日日有飯開!
Nigo Ng
Thank you for the free course "Manager 2.0". I was surprised to learn that VMV is a tool for Manager 2.0. In the past, I reckoned that VMV are just slogans of a company. However, I totally agree with you after listening to your elaboration. I have learnt a lot in the Manager 2.0 especially on how to manage a team of persons who think that they are 2.0 but act in 1.0 manner.
Victor Wong
多謝一連八小時的 Manager 2.0 免費課程。 我最深刻的就係第一節課程中的 introduction, 令我對 Management (在學術層面或工作上的的運用) 有全新的睇法。
記得讀書時所學的 Scientific Management 當中有很多理論,當時對這些理論沒有深切的體會 (可能當時沒有實質工作以及管理經驗),只有熟讀應付考試吧!但當有了經驗後,發覺以前所學的管理理論在工作上都不太有幫助,但在這四節的課中,幫我找到了答案! Thanks. 期待 Leader 2.0 的來臨
The Manager 2.0 course helps me to clarify the management concepts for the 1.0 & 2.0 stage. The company I'm working had invited overseas consultant to push the 2.0 tools in late '90 but didn't work. Now I understood the company's staff were still in the 1.0 mindset and couldn't appreciate the 2.0 tools.
Tang Chiu Kit
The Manager 2.0 is in fact a wake up call for all managers nowadays. Without such wake up call, I (probably other attendants of the course) will continue to use the old management skills learnt during the school time, without awaring that such skills have already obsolete.
Coupled with the training received from your other courses, Manager 2.0 is a great and real life demonstration of the use of coaching and facilitation, which are the essential skills for manager or leader in a knowledge econmy. One word to summarise this course - Excellent. Thanks again for offering such a great course.
Eric Wang
Excellent application of Peter Drucker's principles for the management of the prevailing Knowledge Age.
Lam Chun Kit Edwin
It's an insightful training. I believed that we are not only be inspired during the class but also be influenced after the training. The questions that you asked are constructive and useful when we need to think about the new age and our roles. Your presentation are clear, concise and interesting. The examples are easy to understand. Thanks for your hard effort.
Matilda Chan
Thanks again for the program, that upgrading my thought on management elements and levels, helping me better knowing and awareness my company and myself.
Gary Tsui
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