Certified Professional Coach 課程部份參與者的意見
Material & lectures are very practical as I can use/apply it in my work as I have a team of 10 to lead. I could practice all the time, an it's a good learning experience in Keith's class.
Lydia Lam
I have a deep understanding in distinguishing the meaning of improvement & development, and created our own coaching model upon completion of this course. Thanks Keith.
Lillian Chan
Keith, 你的專業教學方式,使我們無論在堂上或小組討論都學得更多之餘,同時不斷啟發我們的思維,從中令我們有所得著;能完成整個課程絕不能算是一個容易的事,但它給了我非常大的成功感,超越我報讀這課程的期望。Keith, 多謝你! 多謝我組的每一位組員!
Susan Chan
An easy course at the beginning though Keith warned us it won’t. Enlightening when it was ended. Frustrating when we started the building of our own model. Depressed in the midst but full of joy when the thesis was finished. A first and ever amazing experience with Keith’s course.
Leonard Wong
Cheng Ling Kuen
It is true that this course (Certified Professional Coach) is not easy and unexpectedly I gain maximum benefits from it, especially through the group discussion journey. With my heartfelt and inmost thankfulness to Keith – we all benefit deeply and greatly from your vivid and humorous training/coaching, both content and context that we cannot find elsewhere.
Thank you very much for your repeated stress on the importance of THINKING & SELF-AWARENESS which definitely is a MUST under current chaotic environment.”
Blingi Chan
認證專業教練課程是一個更上一層樓(其實不只一層)的 Coaching 課程,由較易掌握的 Level 1 Coaching,去到發現、理解更深入的 Level 3 Coaching,很充實。
陶博士不論在課堂上、功課上都給了我們大量的思維練習,就以我們的 group project 為例,由遞交到他接受,來回多次提問 ,每一條問題都能使我們再企開些 』察覺看漏的部份,再思考、再發現、再補充,實在是coaching 的好實例!
Pik Sin Wong
Tommy Shek
我非常榮幸可以參與陶博士首屆Certified Professional Coach課程,其課程設計達國際級水平,加上陶博士用心及有系統地講授,讓我從中對Coaching的原理和技術有更高階的理解,學懂的是發展學(Developmentalism)的教練技術,是真正助人改變和發展的學問!
透過這個課程,我已經成為一位懂得自行設計Coaching Model的教練!陶博士的「認證專業教練課程」,絕對是高度推介!
Nelson Wong
教練問題 (Coaching question) 原來可以問看似無直接關係的高階問題,讓人大開眼界。
After finish your course (Certified Professional Coach), it can help me to decide a programme to teach my child and how to manage my subordinate. Thanks for your course.
Haymond Yuen
When I first started the Certified Professional Coach course of Dr Keith To, as usual, it was difficult. However, it is a course that worth all my invested time.
The course gives me a good view of how people think and how can a good coach help in all different areas. It is different from all the previous course of coach. It shows the flexibilities of working with your coachee. Dr. Keith To teaches not only the concept but how to practice in all dimensions. The live demonstrations in class are valuable.
It is a course that needs a lot of time to study and practice. I have to say I learn a lot while struggling with my project and practice. However, the class is interesting, fun and challenging. The classmates are open minded and willing to learn.
Thanks Keith for providing such an in-depth class in this professional area.
Florence Chan
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