Mind Magic 課程 部份同學意見
Mind Magic 課程 部份同學意見
剛上完Mind Magic 1課程,從中了解到另腦靈活的不同方法,經三星期實習後,發現思巧清晰,ideas不斷,不受局限,獲益良多。
Eric Au
原來最簡單的,才是最有效,可惜的是 - 沒有下次!
感謝你的『心錙』 - 一分鐘,受用一生!
Wong Pik Sin
Superbrain Yoga 更是惠及上下父母,老婆及兒子,共三代,化算至極!也再次激謝舉辦如此精彩的課!
Mind Magic is a creative training, taught by Keith To.
It provides both practical steps for enchancing our mind as well as insights for how a magic is constructed. I guess all other students in class is also be excited for the mind magic 2 just like I am!
Wilson Wong
深感慶幸報讀了Mind Magic Level 1課程, 陶博士不單將深邃思維的盲點和制約, 透過語言和魔術變成容易明白﹑終生受用的知識, 得以有機會清醒地活著。
Celeste Lee
真是一個無與鄰比的導師,謝謝 Keith!
Mandy Yeung
I am thankful that I have another view to enjoy magic show. It was impressive to think magic in a perspective of blind spots.
Albert Lo
Spotting out and improve thinking blind spots may not be a funny thing but via introducing magic and vitals, this becomes lots of fun. I guess participants can at least remember those potential thinking blind spot via the mechanism of the 4 magics
Chau Micky
The Mind Magic Level 1 的 appreciation 是第一時間報讀 Level 2。
Franklin Ng
I like this course because of all the little tricks which appears to be easy and trivial but may prove useful and providing insights into the mind. I believe this is a special and different course from your other typical courses like NLP 7 hypnotherapy as an element of mystery is instilled beyond the explanatory scope of psychology.
Sometimes to be too rational becomes too human but unable to derive the divine power.
Cliff Chan
Mind Magic 課程,使人腦部激活,在課堂所學的,一生受用!六個字形容;驚喜!神奇!超值!!
Cat Ng
Magic Magic Magic - this course does fulfill the title and we learn quite a lot on how to 'simplify' to get the proper function of our mind. Those mini-skills are easy to practice and I will definitively apply it on my daily life.
Carmen Chan
The course is full of fun and information which could lead me to imagine the changes of a brighten mind if I could keep on the practice of what I have learned.
Chow Suk Kuen
十分欣賞您的 Mind Magic 課程,一些看似簡單的方法,估不到竟有意想不到的效果,讓我開始注意曾經接觸過但沒有充份利用的技巧。
Kevin Pun
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