2001年10月4日 星期四

高階催眠治療師課程 同學回饋

高階催眠治療師課程 部份畢業同學回饋



因為上課日為平日晚上,是比較趕及累,但遇上Keith 與眾不同的教學風格,上堂氣氛輕鬆,學習變成一件樂事。

最後考試的方式,更加是本人對學習的一個反省。知道跟明白的距離原來那麼遠! 希望再有機會跟Keith學習。也希望Keith能整合更多知識跟我們分享。謝謝!

Ada Chow


喜 是我很喜歡此課程。
出 是我們當然認同阿Keitho你的出色講課,表達得深入淺出。
望 是每當我望見教材之豐富,有感能慶幸報讀。
外 是我能在課堂以外,因課程需要,不斷和同學們練習,在不知不覺間建立了友誼,這豈不是『喜出望外』嗎?

Chow Suk Kuen


Gary Tang

I don't think this is a positive feedback.

To be honest, this program is EXTREMELY difficult!!!

It was until the time when I was preparing for exam I realized I don't understand it very well. The exam is a good part of the program, it offered me an opportunity to verify how much I know, how much I understand. It seems I don't well understand much..... But came to the end of the program, I learned one thing, at least, I started to appreciate the ART of hypnotherapy. I could imagine how awesome it would be, if a hypnotherapist could master all these knowledge and skills.

Lastly, I really appreciate your effort and time contributed in preparing the program, specially the exams! Sure I will re-take it three years later.

Olivia Wong

Thanks again for offering the extra mini classes for ' Master Hypnotherapy ' as we do learn extra especially those focus on 'application' in daily life. Some are even not taugth in classes and we have chance to review it in different perspectives on the same concept. We are indeed having additional 'frames' which made us more flexible in dealing with client or personal 'problem'.

Carmen Chan

感恩陶博士一年來的用心教導,在Master Hypnotherapist 中,學會了更多催眠技巧,加強了Basic Hypnotherapist的理解及運用外,還學會怎樣套用催眠在日常生活上,實用與技巧並重的的一個課程。

Amy Chang

The Master Hypnotherapist training course has just been completed. It is a great course that not only enriched our hypnotherapy knowledge, but a lot of skills and theories were learned that could even be applied to every aspect of our daily lives.

The energy, passion and the enthusiasm that Keith devoted are highly impressed. He induces us active-thinking so as to understand the concept behind thoroughly. Although the examination for this course was very difficult to get whole passed at one time, it gave us lot of relearning opportunities from our mistakes which made us gained the most.

Anyway, attending Keith's courses is always joyful and definitely could be a dessert serving when we are stuck with our routine pressured lives.

Thanks Keith!

Kim Chau


Dr. Keith 就好似遠紅外線的一道光,引導我們走位置,而這道光時亮時暗,就是要每位同學主動思考、主動發問,教我們問對問題,遠紅外線便即自動power on,光亮無比。

此亮點便是基本催眠治療與高級催眠治療學的分別之其一呱! 學催眠不是單一幫助別人解決難題,學習過程中,自已對人和事情的看法與想法,不知不覺地與以往大不同,令自已有好的改變,領悟出不少洞悉。







不得不進深追求更多,上癮般追隨KEITH老師到高階課程,透過KEITH的悉心敎導, DOWN TO EARTH的教學模式,把象牙塔領域內的大智慧通過KEITH的獨有管道直通公路。

在公路中了解更多人類的局限,如何突破?從過去的源頭中尋找信念的根源,釋放、理解, 攫取有用之物讓生命重建,返回正軌,重新出發,才能活出豐盛的生命,不再麻木。




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