2002年1月1日 星期二

超寫學 Super Writing System: 部份學員回饋





Iris Seto



Molly Yeung



很高興能在你的 Super Writing System 1 中學習,在這課程中使我領略到寫作的核心原理,更加能學習到如何改進目前的情況。


Bertha Lo

As the name suggests, the course is really “super” in terms of variety of writing skills and the effectiveness of those skills. Though there were so many different skills taught, they were presented in a systematic, concise and lucid way.

Concepts such as drafting and coping good pieces of classic passages were emphasized and re-emphasized their importance in relation to persuasive good writing. It is not a literature course, but just as significant to writing skill development.

Cliff Chan



Cheng Ling Kuen

The ideas of the non-stop writing draft help me a lot, thanks!

Esther Ng

My feedbacks on SWS:

1. Guided step by step; Super Writing System makes me feel writing is no more difficult than Ithought.

2. Demonstrate with exercises; teaches me to structure my writing in a persuasive way.

3. Practice day by day; shows me the ways to be a Guru writer.

Olivia Wong


1. 例如草稿再草稿

2. 寫作時自己的立場和讀者的立場,有那幾方面可以考慮

3. Hedline 同 P.S


Mak Ting Fai

Super Writing System is significant, practical and far-reaching change to people who have studied it. Furthermore, thank you very much for teaching step by step and in micro and macro aspects.


Super Writing System: You gave sound and practical advice to me. They are often very important.

Ng Wai Chun


Jan Ng

The SWS handout provides us with a clear and simple format for our ease of understanding and learning.

The exercises held in class enable us to progressively and fully understand the writing techniques.

The systemic writing skills would fully benefit us in writing articles with more confidence in conveying our message to our target readers.

The lessons prompt us to resorting the use of our persuasion skills under systematic thinking in achieving our goal.

Again, I thank you very much for giving us more information to our study.

Chow Suk Kuen

上完整個SWS Level 1之後,我發覺整個SWS能夠幫助「寫手」更全面地了解他/她要寫出的文章。


Albert Lo

完成SWS後, 令眼界大開,整個課程包羅萬有,一針見血,想增加的寫作能力的學員,即時獲益, 當中:

1) 令學員迅速掌握到寫作技巧

2) 只需僅記程序,更能容易運用

3) 課堂的練習,令對所學有初步的体驗

4) 豐富內容,同時具体地將精要表達出來

5) 既能深入分析,了解透徹每個寫作技巧

備註: 一生受用的課程, 熱切其待SWS2

Eric Au


Ada Chow

Thank you again for providing this practical and useful writing course (Super Writing System) to us. I would like to share the below good thing about the course:

- A systemic approach for writing
- different skills can be linked together
- Sharing of useful and free online resources
- Lots of practices for us to understand the skills more
- Integrate writing skills with thinking logic

Kenny Tang


Anita Cheung


Paul Chan




Iris Seto



Mak Yin Ping


KF Tung

Your courses, esp SWS always are succinct. To the point!

And very very and really really useful and practical.Highly stimulating!

Paul Chan

Writing is part of my everyday life but I have never thought of the ways to get readers to take action. SWS course is such a course that brings me skills and insights in this respect.

To me, this is thebest writing course I have ever taken.

Eric Wang

Actually , I do not expect that I would have drastic improvement in my writing skill though it is my intention to attend the course. After completing the course last night, I feel that I have obtained much more benefits than expected.

It is really an eyeopening experience . I just cannot imagine that there are so many skills available to assist me to convey ideas to others by words and to persuade them to accept my ideas .

I am grateful for your organising such class for us.

Leung Kit Fun



1. 多些注意/思考讀者(每一個人)的反應/感受

2. 要堅持到底才會成功

3. 多思考用不同的方法使自己所寫的更好我開始明白:「知」只是知道,「識」才有生產力是什麼意思。


Doro Wong



Keith, 多謝你和非常佩服你的“消化”能力!

Susan Chan

SWS is a fruitful course. Your presentation is clear and I enjoy it.

Elsa Wong
